It was a bit of a shock when salesman Michael Reeg started working from home. Instead of being surrounded by a team of co-workers, he became one of just three employees at the Southeastern sales center for Accuride International. It’s just him 
 and his two dogs, Meeka and Kya.

While Michael loves his dog Kya, he says Meeka is, far and away, the standout – and to show his appreciation, he’s been awarding Meeka every "Best Employee" award since he opened the home office.

Michael explains that it’s quiet and that it’s a challenge to get fired up and excited about the day.

That’s where Meeka comes in. She’s a faithful companion and a good listener, who helps Michael work though problems and sales pitches.

So, each quarter, another picture of Meeka goes up on the wall to commemorate her awards. (The Dodo)



A flight attendant will be free to move about the cabin for a long time thanks to a pilot who had a kidney to spare.

38-year-old Jenny Stansel, an Alaska Airlines flight attendant, landed in the hospital a year ago with kidney failure and was immediately put on dialysis. She was told she would need a kidney transplant and should get to work on trying to find a donor.

So she sent out a company-wide email looking for anyone who might be a match and much to her shock and surprise, pilot Jodi Harskamp happened to be a perfect match.

Harskamp says, "When I learned that Jenny needed help, I was surprised because when we’ve worked together, she always seemed so outgoing and energetic. I had no idea that she was so sick. When I heard that she needed a donor, I thought, 'Why not? I’ll get tested.'"

The transplant was successfully performed last week and both women are recovering in the hospital. Harskamp adds, "You can’t take your organs with you when you die, and if you sign up as a living donor, you’ll have the reward of watching someone live a happy, fruitful life." (People)



An inventor in Missouri created a revolutionary heating system that generates more usable heat with less energy – and put his invention to good use by donating it to a food pantry.

The Arnold Food Pantry – in St. Louis – has been dealing with a serious problem. Because the heating system at the pantry is old and inefficient, it doesn't control the climate well enough to safely store food.

When Allen Coggins heard about this problem, he presented his very own Thermasi Heating System – and agreed to donate a fully-functional prototype of the clean energy machine, as well as the ductwork and all the labor to install it, in the pantry's storage building.

The machine should cut the energy bill in half, which will free up more money for other improvements, and will make sure donated food stays safe and fresh.

Allen says he’s happy to make the donation as he remembers his parents getting assistance from food pantries when he was growing up. Now, as an entrepreneur and inventor, he's able to give back to the kind of charitable group that helped him and his family. (KSDK-TV)

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